Bravee MultiSkilling Academy

Multiskilling for Enhancing Employability and Entrepreneurship

Courses offered

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Self-help Books from Bravee

Our Services

  • Webinars
  • Workshops
  • Seminars
  • Conferences
  • Keynote Speakers
  • Surveys

Bravee assignment certification

Learning is an intellectual exercise for attaining peace and happiness by acquiring knowledge This shall be a life long pursuit as life-long-learner. But due to various compulsions formal learning stops.Bravee certification can develop confidence to restart learning pursuits. Underemployed persons and entrepreneurs canrealise their full potential with more peace and happiness through continuous learning pursuits.
Bravee certified learners shall prepare for certificate of “Trainer” and “Assessor” in their profession from Bravee Multiskilling Academy. Life-Long-Learning attitude of elderly family members shall inspire children in the family to involve in learning pursuits with joy.

  • “Integrated Management System” course will commence on 15th of every month
  • 5G and AI/ML courses will commence with a batch of minimum 10 students.
  • Leverage your effectiveness as an effective online coach with Bravee Assignments.

Bravee MultiSkilling Academy


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Lighting the Lamp.jpg


Vision Zero workshop


Webinar on 20/12/2020


Bravee Workshop


World standards day photo



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