Bravee Knowledge Circle


Pursuit of learning is the shortest route to have better status in life. Many are compelled to stop learning and to start earning due to various individual reasons. The burning desire to continue learning will be with most of them lifelong. In the past it was very difficult to think of continuing learning after getting an employment. With advancement of technology it is possible to continue learning from home.

Bravee Knowledge Circle is a digital platform of Brave Multiskilling Academy for sharing and motivating continuing learning. Through a team of experts provides support to life-long-learners through the Bravee certification assignments . Unemployed and underemployed professionals can start these programs with the Bravee certification Assignment. After successful completion of the assignment the learners will be eligible to become “Certified Learners of Bravee Knowledge Circle”. Societal transformation can be faster when more members of society are involved in lifelong learning. Bravee certified learners can inspire more persons by sharing their experiences. This will overcome the initial hurdles to re-start learning pursuits. Learning with own earnings will be more purposeful and fulfilling. Continuous motivation is required to speed up learning pursuits.