Bravee FAQs

What is the meaning of Bravee?

Bravee is only a name. It is the name of the website. This digital platform supports all kinds of open and distance learners. It is trademark of Bravee Educational Trust.

How to retrieve Password?

Password can be retrieved by sending email to

What is the significance of Role Model

Role models are the main attraction of this website. Role models are selected by the Learner Members.Role model is an ideal person, from whom the learner gets inspiration and motivation. The photograph and a brief introduction highlighting the continuous learning pursuits of the role model to be posted as a part of the Bravee assignment. Viewing of more role models will encourage the learners to complete the certification targets. In the link of ROLE MODEL the name and photograph of the Role Model will be included in the website along with the name of the learner who has selected the Role Model.

What preparations are essential for Bravee certification?

Have strong belief and confidence that through learning and skill development, empowerment is easily possible. Look around forthose who are successful through continuing learning. Be in touch with them.

What is Bravee learning room?

In a home specify a space for collective learning. Keep all the learning aids in this room. Keep a specific time for all members of the home to attend learning in this room. Keep inspiring photographs of Role Models and selected Nobel Prize winners

What is Bravee family?

A family where all members of a family are involved in continuous learning pursuits is a bravee family. Along with the children their parents and grand parents shall also involve in continuous learning pursuits in bravee family. This atmosphere develops innovation and research aptitude for youngsters.

What is the use of Bravee assignment certification in continuing learning?

Learning is an intellectual exercise for attaining peace and happiness by acquiring knowledge This shall be a life long pursuit as life-long-learner. But due to various compulsions formal learning stops.Bravee certification can develop confidence to restart learning pursuits. Underemployed persons and entrepreneurs canrealise their full potential with more peace and happiness through continuous learning pursuits.

Bravee certified learners shall prepare for certificate of “Trainer” and “Assessor” in their profession from Bravee Multiskilling Academy. Life-Long-Learning attitude of elderly family members shall inspire children in the family to involve in learning pursuits with joy.

How much investment is required?

Initially precious 30 minutes per day will be required till the certificate awarded. For further services contact