Bravee Certification Assignment

Bravee Certification Assignment

Welcome to Bravee Certification Assignment. This assignment has five parts A, B , C, D and E. Bravee certified learners can register for the "TRAINING and ASSESSMENT" program at Bravee Multiskilling Academy.

To have better opportunities, underemployed persons and entrepreneurs have to learn many new subjects at a short notice. The underemployed shall realise their full capability when they start another learning pursuit. Bravee Knowledge Circle helps to complete the continuing learning pursuits. Welcome to this assignment. This is to be completed in three months time.

Part A.

Read two research articles on continuing education. (Resource : This link is active and current edition of the news letter will open by clicking the link. Prepare one page report about e-learning methods.

Part B.

Identify one person who can be role model in continuing learning in your neighborhood. Prepare one page life sketch about the role model. After approval the photo of the role model shall be posted in under the link Role Model. Selected Role model details will be posted in the Role Model Link of

Part C.

Study about the life of one of the nobel prize winners. Open the link www.nobelprize.orgto know every thing about Nobel Prize. Prepare one page write about one of the nobel prize winners.

Part D.

Set up a bravee-room for learning in your home. This room is a special place dedicated for involving in learning pursuits for all members of the family. Fix up a special time convenient for all members in the home to participate in individual learning pursuits in this room. Keep the necessary study materials and learning aids in this bravee-room. Write a paragraph about the experience of setting up this room.

Part E.

Help a person in your neighborhood to learn something new which will help him to have interest in continuing learning pursuits. Write a paragraph about this experience. Forward the brief write up of part A, B , C, D and E through email to The assignment reports of Part A, B, C, D and E will be evaluated by mentors at Bravee Knowledge Circle and on approval bravee certificate in continuing learning will be issued in the registered e-mail address. Certified bravee learners can be facilitators in bravee learning support centres to promote continuing learning pursuits of various open universities and e-learning centers. They can start “Training and Assessment” program of Bravee Multiskilling Academy to enhance employability and entrepreneurship.